
Fun Things To Do With Your Kiddos

Fun Things To Do With Your Kiddos

By Katrin Lotze

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*Read aloud and yes, even to kids who can read on their own. There is nothing better than sharing in the journey of a good book together. It’s something your kids will always remember. 

*Do the things you have wanted to do but just haven’ forts, play games, have those pillow fights, backyard camping, watch the stars, shadow puppets at night, build LEGO’s together, do some science experiments, let your kids dress you up, have a YES day where your kids get to decide what you will do as a family all day.....ask your kids! They probably have some awesome ideas! 

*Family movie nights. Read the book first or after. Have a themed dinner or snacks to go with it.

*Find someone in your neighborhood to help. Grocery shop for an elderly neighbor, take their dog for a walk, put out a little book stand with books you no longer need, ask God for ways to see how your hands can help right where you are.

*Get messy!!! Take out the art supplies and dig in along side your kids! Make a collage with old magazines, doodle with watercolor, use those art supplies to explore and create!! 

*Have dance parties! Not only is it good to get out energy but it also relieves stress. You can introduce your kiddos to new music or visit favorites. 

*Research all the free resources that are being offered! From the Met Opera offering free streamend performances to authors doing daily readings of their books. There has been a worldwide effort to bring goodness into peoples homes by offering some amazing resources. 

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*Books on tape!! Audible is offering their kids library of books for free while schools are out. You can also access audio books through your library app or purchase some through Amazon. Listen along side your kids or have them listen while you get some time to yourself. 

*Bake together! Not only is a an awesome life skill to have but you get to eat it together after! Make it a part of your week!

*Have a tea party! People from all around the world have tea every day. In Austria having an afternoon coffee and cake is just a normal part of the day. Have a time where you come together for tea. You can use this time to read aloud, maybe read some silly poems or listen to a book on tape. Enjoy the ritual of sharing a cup of tea and good company. 

*Make signs for your windows with messages of hope. When people go for walks they will see your messages and it may just be the thing they needed to hear. 

Make a sign for those delivery workers thanking them for continuing to bring those packages.

*Take a dive into your kids interests even if you haven’t been interested or you don’t understand why your kiddo enjoys it so much. Get curious about what they are excited and passionate about. Ask questions! They will appreciate your interest into wanting to step into their world, even if it’s just to take a peek. 

*Find a daily rhythm. Start to put a daily rhythm in place if you don’t have one. Having a flow to your day will help everyone know what the day holds and having just a bit of structure can help the day go much more smoothly. Instead of a schedule which can be strict, think of a daily rhythm. Here is a simple example. You can plug in a time frame on the side. 

  • Wake up, breakfast, clean up, self care

  • The Joy of Whatever (free time)

  • Mourning couch time (read aloud, prayer, independent reading, book on tape) 

  • Snack

  • Lessons (any school work that needs to be done) 

  • The Joy of Whatever (free time) 

  • Lunch, clean up (have older kids help!) 

  • Quiet time (have kids be on their own in their rooms, playing, reading, listening to a book on tape) Gives everyone some down time. 

  • Lessons (if more school work needs to be finished) 

  • Chores (if any) 

  • Projects (art, tea time, build a fort, etc...) 

  • Joy of whatever (free time) 

  • Dinner, clean up (have older kids help!) 

Remember, we only know our kids as much as we are willing to find out. Spend this time connecting as a family. See it as the gift of time together. You may even begin some new family traditions (like tea time) you may not have otherwise had.