Immeasurable Blessings

Immeasurable Blessings
By Manna Ko


“Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the apples in a seed.” Robert H. Schulle

Inside each of you are seeds of greatness and possibilities. 

There is more in you than you think. 

There is more about you than you’ve believed. 

There is more fruit in you than you could have ever imagined.

The most challenging time in the life of a grand tree is the time of pruning. Pruning hurts. It even hurts to look at the once noble tree all cut up – as if the limbs and everything it ever produced have been cut off, even killed off! It looks totally dead. But if we can understand the cutting off of the unnecessary (things that are running uncontrollably off in random directions or will never grow and be productive) – will ultimately be for our highest and best expression.

In these seemingly dark, empty, and barren times, your foundation – mental, emotional, financial, physical, relational, spiritual – is being honed in. Your roots and your center are being nourished even if you don’t see it.

And when the time comes, all that you are meant to be will come back to life, flourish, and bear as much fruit. 

Think about this:

  • Fruit is born not for the tree.

  • Fruit is born to give life to others.

  • Fruit – all fruit, starts with a seed.

  • A seed is intentional.

  • A seed’s capacity is immeasurable. One single seed can produce a grove of hundreds of thousands of trees.

  • A seed must live in the invisible. It must be buried deep into good soil and is even forgotten for a season.

  • A seed carries an invitation. When it blossoms, you are motivated to care more for it.

  • A seed is inspirational. When a seed becomes a great fruit-bearing tree, you wonder more about the magnificence of life.

Are you intentional about your purpose?

Did you know that your capacity is immeasurable?

Who you are and the fruits you leave for others will feed and nourish their hearts, souls and minds more than you can ever imagine. You can be an immeasurable blessing for others.

When you feel invisible, unseen and forgotten, keep believing. God is doing something amazing in those silent times. Trust Him. Don’t speak against your times of preparation. Make sure your heart stays soft – it is the soil in which your destiny is birthed from.

Be inviting! Invite others to join you in your great journey. Share your blessings with others. Inspire others to dream and to see that they are an apple orchard themselves!

Have an irresistible day imagining all that you can be – and then do it!

Here’s to you – you, life-giving-seed-of-abundance-and-blessing, you!