Gathering Oil Part 1

Gathering Oil

Part 1

By Sara Hageman

I very rarely share from my journal or my night dream life, but I have felt it important for the time we are in. Our gracious Lauren is allowing me to use two weeks to share.  We have had a moment in our history to gather our families in our homes in these past three months, and we are now in a “re-opening” of our society.  There are many “things” pulling us in several directions that, to be honest, has felt overwhelming at times.

I will share a dream I had on May 20, 2020 and then the word I got as I finished writing down the dream.  I will not share any names until next week so that I can give you full context of all the things God showed me that morning. 

Here is some context to my dream.  A few days before having this dream I had been chatting to a sweet friend of mine and I said out of my mouth, “that’s how you get oil”.  I had no idea what I was talking about…hahahaha!! 

Jesus taught a parable about wise and foolish women who “gathered oil” and said it was really important. I mean, the foolish girls couldn’t go to the party, and the Bridegroom said He didn’t even know them.  So, I started to ask the Lord, “how do I get oil”? 

A few days later I had this dream:

Last night I dreamt that my son and one of my spiritual daughters were laying down on a stage while there was a service going on.  The stage was really big and there were thousands of people there.  I was in the crowd watching because God said, “I’m going to show you what it looks like to get oil”.  They just laid there like nothing was even happening around them.  The leader of the service seemed annoyed at first that my son and spiritual daughter were laying in the middle of the stage.  There was about 10-12 feet between them so as he walked around the stage, he had to step over one and then the other.  My spirit daughter tried to get up because she felt like it wasn’t appropriate, but I could see on her face, she was so out of it, so overcome by His Presence that she HAD to lie back down.  By the middle of the service, the leader was just stepping over them and not really annoyed anymore.  Then God said to me, “This is how you get oil”.

And then I woke up and wrote this dream down…and then The Lord gave me this word:

“Daughter, I am showing you what really matters right now.  There is a time and place for battle. War is always prevalent but if you look to the truth of what happens before and after war, you will see there is preparation and rest.  The oil doesn’t come from the fight, the battle is not won because you get oil in that moment.  The battle is won because you paid a price in the preparation.  The preparation is when you gather the oil.  In the battle you USE the oil, AND, in the rest and recovery, you USE what you have left over after the battle.

The kingdom realm is near to those who can see it and sense it and hear it.  Those who have laid down in the middle of service are those who are getting oil in this season.  This time has been marked by ‘Selah’=PAUSE.  Those who have scrambled are those who have toiled in the night and have missed getting some oil.  Those who have ‘Selah-ed’=PAUSED, have gained and gotten their oil for the next season.  What you pay a price for now, you won’t need to use until later.  The toiling and being in the battle doesn’t manifest the oil.  The battle you are in now is using the oil from the past gathering.  Let the oil flow from your life as you lay down in the middle of the service and let My Presence FILL THE ROOM!

You are made for this, daughter!  You are made to be loved by Me in the secret place.  Find your place on the floor and just BE in My Presence.  More happens in ten minutes on the floor than an hour DOING service.  Remember Mary; she chose to sit at My feet and hungered to be taught.  At the time this was against all religious rite.  I taught her, a woman, and she learned My words, My ways and My truths.  Won’t I do it again?”

Next week I will share my interpretation of my dream and share the people who were in the dream.  I’ll also share some ways we can get oil in every season.  God is revealing something profound to us in this era that will take us into the next seasons of time. 

I love you all….do not despair!!  You are each WISE WOMEN!!