Special Forces: Armed and Ready

Special Forces: Armed and Ready


Faith, Hope, Wisdom and Love to you as you navigate our current environment. At this hour, we would like to help further equip you for the battle we are in that you may be Armed and Ready on all fronts.  Tridimensional health awareness and activation is vital. Therefore, from this awareness and activation of Faith as our foundation, there is much we can do in addition to good hygiene to proactively prepare our physical bodies to stand strong.   The Integrative Medical Advisory Team underscores viral load and the part we can play in dampening that load and equipping our front line defenders at the cellular levels.  Targeting cellular health through food sources with anti-oxidant and anti-viral properties, plant-based foods and specific immune supportive ingredients lower the toxic load and bring nourishment so your immune system is ready to fight and win.  

The below links give specific anti-viral foods, herbs and spices, and key ingredients to assist in dismantling destructive patterns and arm the body in constructive ways.  On the blog, there is an extensive list, many of which you may know well, but we would like to encourage you that source, quality and bioavailability is important for optimal absorption.  

Offensive Strategy:  80% of your immune receptors are in the gut.  Ridding pro-

inflammatory foods is key, but also using bioavailable probiotics is absolutely vital as well as rebuilding the gut mucosa to reduce gut permeability (rebuild the walls!) It is like the moat around the castle.  We believe the best on the market currently are: 

MegaSporeBiotic, MegaMucosa, MegaPreBiotic to be used over the next 3 months especially  

These are listed as specifically targeting viruses in the Coronavideae family:

•          Artemisia annua(sweet wormwood)
•          Houttuynia cordata(chameleon’s plant)
•          Isatis indigotica(dyer’s woad)
•          Lindera aggregata(evergreen, spice bush)
•          Lycoris radiata(red spider lily)
•          Pyrrosia lingua(felt fern)
•          Torreya nucifera(Japanese nutmeg-yew)
•          Myricetin, saikosaponins or scutellarein

 We also received information that the CDC was going to release information that Quercetin with Bromelain has specific effects over COVID-19.  You can order this by NOW brand on Amazon or via Fullscript.

Here are some homeopathic remedies by a Faith based company we know and trust called Apex Energetics: Acute Rescue, Immunosode, Acute Virotox, Adrenal, and Cellular Recharge.  

We are encouraged to ACTIVATE this time of “pause” as a Selah opportunity to turn our affection and attention to the Presence of God and Heaven’s answers at this time.  May the God of Perfect Peace cover you and your families, Amen. 


Dr. Michael and Nicole Arce 
The Healing Collective Team
