Destiny’s Dress

Destiny’s Dress

By Lauren Hasson


Opening night was only a few hours away.  I could feel the adrenaline rush starting to course through my body.  Soon all the hard work from the cast and crew would pay off and we would give a great gift of the beauty of this particular play, this story, to the world. 

My warm up began, ready to feel the lines rush through my mouth as I over-annunciated each word to open up vocal chords, sharpen diction, clarify my mind....  when I suddenly realized I was blank!  No words, no storyline, nothing....

 And so the dream began.  An old actor’s dream where you have no idea of what your character is doing because you’ve never rehearsed it in real life!  Somehow the anxiety continued to build, as I looked around the stage and noticed set pieces that weren’t finished being painted, my costume was unfinished, and there was no one around to help with these significant tasks.  I grabbed a paint brush and frantically began painting.  Next I moved set pieces and props in place.  Sweat was now pouring down my face, ruining my makeup.   

Brilliantly, in the middle of my dream, I prayed that Jesus would help me.

“I have no idea of my lines!” I exclaimed.
I know..... it will be alright.” He assured.
“The set is still wet with paint!” I declared.
It will dry.”  He answered.
“Well, where’s the crew, the director, the other actors?” I pleaded.
I’m here, I’m enough.” He finished.

“Can we get back to the part about my lines..... “  I persisted.  His deep peace covered me and I knew that He would give me precisely what I needed to say at the right moment.  His words would flow through me as I became a part of His story.

As He stilled me, I looked over to see my costume, now transformed into a beautiful dress of a strong fabric that seemed to be made of woven iridescent light.  Looking more closely, I saw that there was no back to the dress.  I  could hear the humor in his voice, “Don’t worry, you will only be advancing in this gown.  I’ve got your back.” 

The vision of the dress was both daunting and compelling.  Everything else that had seemed so important seemingly fell away.  It was mesmerizing in its shimmer and strength.  I heard Him assuring me that it was indeed mine, in fact only mine, made specifically for me.   I was drawn to this garment, wondering who I would become if I dared, dared to put it on.

As I awoke, I felt His presence with me in the room.  How I longed to let go of the paint brush, the duties, the distractions, and to advance with Him into something remarkable that He had prepared just for me. 

What would you like to let go of this year? 

What are simple things you can let go of in your life that are weighing you down?  Are there tasks that are unimportant or meant for someone else to execute?  How about an inventory of peace?  Allow Holy Spirit to help you write down the different aspects of your life.  Now, what is He saying about them?  Are they for you to accomplish?  Does He want you to give them to someone else?  Are they a distraction to be let go?

What is your dress of destiny?  What is calling you forward into your true and original design?  What is there to do that’s only for you and no one else?  Ask Holy Spirit to breathe fresh life on it.  He is the giver of all true inspiration.  Now, allow the picture to grow as you are brought into a garment of strength, victory and light.

Will you choose to overcome?  If our dress has no back..... if we are going to risk it all and ask Him to protect us, what would be available to us?  As you ask Him to discard what is non-essential and inspire you for what you’re created to do with Him, becoming an overcomer is our natural destiny.  It’s riskier NOT to move forward!

 Here’s your bonus round!  Ask Holy Spirit for two words this year that will propel you into your destiny.  They must be words that you can sink your teeth into, that inspire you, that challenge you to grow in new measures of intimacy with Him.

“4 Yet there are still a few in Sardis who have remained pure,[a] and they will walk in fellowship with me in brilliant light,[b] for they are worthy. And the one who experiences victory will be dressed in white robes and I will never, no never erase your name from the Book of Life. I will acknowledge your name before my Father and his angels.”                                                                                                                                       Revelation 3: 4,5  TPT