If You Don't Do It, Who Will?

Prompted by the Holy Spirit, Lifestreams Member Nikki Romani answered the call to write a beautiful book about intimacy with Him. What will you do with your found time?

If You Don't Do It, Who Will?
By Nikki Romani

Three years ago, I asked God, “How can I reach more people and share with them about the Holy Spirit?” That’s when He told me to write a book. I refused at first. I didn’t know the first thing about writing a book. I pushed this request to the side for two months. It wasn’t until God said, “If you don’t write this book, I will give this opportunity to someone else.”

God knows exactly what to say when you need to hear it. I did not want to pass up this opportunity and watch someone else fulfill it. Right then and there, I sat down and began to type whatever story came to mind. I started to carve out time throughout the week to sit and write. I would ask God to bring stories to mind of what He wanted me to share. I’ll be honest, some of the stories He brought to mind I didn’t want to share. However, I did and those stories are in the book that it is today.

I grew up going to church, but was in a church that didn’t put emphasis on the Holy Spirit. We talked about God and Jesus, but the Holy Spirit was only referred to as part of the Trinity. I never knew the role He played. I would read stories of miracles and spiritual encounters in the Bible, but thought they didn’t happen today. Or do they?

Growing up, I felt as though something was missing. Church was great, but it became part of my routine. I rarely missed a Sunday, went on mission trips with my youth group, and attended private Christian schools. There had to be more.

I became desperate and hungry for more. My best friend would tell me stories of her encounters with the Holy Spirit. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Maybe the stories in the Bible ​do​ still happen today. That’s when my life radically changed and I met a part of God I never knew. I met the Holy Spirit.

In my book, ​A God You’ve Never Met,​ I share my radical transformation and my own personal experiences of miracles, seeing angels, encountering demons, and stories of some of my friends and my grandma. I also share what Scripture says about the Holy Spirit. My grandma was a pastor in the 1940s and in tune with the Holy Spirit. She is not alive anymore, but she left behind sermon notes, letters to friends, and stories of encountering the Holy Spirit and the supernatural.

Growing up, I remember her telling me many times, “I should have written a book.” She never did, but as I went through her belongings, I found a document that was about 10 pages and at the top it read, “The start of my book.” My grandma and I wrote this book together. I am living out her legacy.

I want others to encounter the Holy Spirit the way I have and more. I want you to not only hear my stories, but to have stories of your own. This is my hope and prayer writing this book. That you would be introduced to a God you’ve never met and be radically transformed. Once you meet Him, you will never be the same.